Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Old old old old old old....

I like old things. Antiques, classical music, great art, history, and so forth.

I just don't like getting old myself. Ok, ok does anyone?

Anyway it is now official: I will never see 20 again. Or 30. Or even 40. No, nor 45.

46 just sounds...old.

I don't even bother taking the day off anymore. What's the point? I'd rather go to work and do something constructive.

I would prefer not to repeat my 41st birthday though. I spent that in the hospital, thinking I was having a heart attack. (It wasn't.)

So to all and sundry who may be celebrating today, happy birthday and (as the Orthodox say) Many Years! As for me and my house, we're going to work. :)

PS. Don't forget Arts/Quincy Riverfest on Sunday in Clat Adams Park!