Sunday, March 02, 2008


Been away a while--lots of stuff going on.

Sometime today (Sunday) I hope to update my list of links so if I haven't had you on the list, that should be fixed soon.

Some bright person left his cell phone in the newsroom at WTAD yesterday and so missed calls from family that they had a ticket to last night's Quincy Symphony Chorus concert. Grrrrumble. I'm told it was very good. My sister's little bit was lovely, an unbiased reviewer told me this morning (thanks Mary!)

And today is the Sunday of the Last Judgement in the Orthodox Church, Lent for us begins a week from tomorrow (Monday, March 10). So I was poking around listening to music that would get me in the proper mood and found Rachmaninov's All-Night Vigil, which then led me to some of his piano music.

Like this, the well-known G-minor prelude, played by Rachmaninov himself.


Mmmmmm, very nice.

Then this one too, with Emil Gilels playing the C minor prelude.


Unfortunately that got me all het up again, so I'll have to start over. :)

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