Wednesday, August 29, 2007

People say the nicest things

Early this week I had a conversation with a friend who does a lot of reading in the Quincy blogs.

In discussing the vagaries and foibles of some of my esteemed "brothers and sisters of the e-page" my friend commented that he wished I would do more "Quincy commentary" as some of the local bloggers do (read "get political and controversial and say how nasty Quincy is").

Then he paid me what he thought was an insult and I took as a great compliment.

"Your blog is getting to be as boring and self-centered as Hart's!"

I had to laugh, because I think Rodney Hart's blog is an excellent mix of light commentary, musings, oddball sidebars, and just interesting conversation. To be compared to his fine writing skills makes me feel pretty darn good.

Self-centered? Well, I do talk about my experiences and thoughts, but I hope it doesn't actually come off as self-centered. My apologies if it does--but it is what it is.

As for the nastified stuff on some of the other Quincy blogs...

There's some fine meat out there in the blogs, and I do peruse them from time to time. But I don't care for the foul language, the insults, and the junior-high behavior of adults who ought to know better. I don't want that happening here--I don't have the time to ride herd on a bunch of people who would never behave in person the way they do online.

When there are issues that I believe are worth offering a comment, I will. I have in the past. But it's not going to happen on a regular basis.

There's also the fact that I have certain responsibilities due to my work and it would not be appropriate for me to comment publically on things I'm reporting on.

But dude, thanks for the compliment! :)


Anonymous said...

Yea I read and I prefer some good ole jr high antics !

Lighten up already


( p.s. : Your way wrong Senor & I are like this all the time )

pravoslavniye said...

Took, I get junior high too (ask some of my friends how we get on Thursday night game night :), but it gets a little wearisome sometimes to read the same old...well..."manure" over and over in the blogs. Granted some of what we are subjected to by various entities is pretty much solid manure, and I realize that a lot of the time we're just joking around a bit, but I'll just respectfully ask that people not do it here.

Well ok, maybe just a little, for humor's sake. from time to time.

Them's the rules, buttmunch, got it? :)

TOOKIE said...

buttmunch is so 7th grade :)

got it SPAZ