Saturday, January 26, 2008

Saturday morning

That damned alarm clock rings waaaay too early on Saturdays and Sundays.

Got a fairly full weekend planned. My brother and his family are down from Appleton, Wisconsin and we'll be hitting all the usual places and events. You know, the obligatory Maidrite stop, stuff like that.

My Quincy nephew also is racing in the Pinewood Derby at St. James School this afternoon so we'll all go cheer him on.

Did I blink and miss "Sweeny Todd" at either of the Quincy movie complexes? What's up with that? Don't EVEN try to tell me it's too bloody and violent for Quincy sensibilities.

There are days when I think I should be a grumpy old fart like the brief, shining blog that graced us for a few months last year. Then I think, naw, I'm too nice and I couldn't keep up the act. And Fr. T. would be all on my case for behaving badly (as he should).

Now I must go and face the music. The apartment must be vacuumed, and the kitchen cleaned. Horrors!

Enjoy the weekend.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fun time in Quincy for you and your family. So how did your nephew do? And how was Maidrite?

pravoslavniye said...

Jared came in 3rd of 30 or so cars. Better than I did when *I* was a scout back in the day (with Alexander the great, no doubt :).

Maidrites were, as usual, most tasty.

Spending 40 bucks at Maidrite just seems wrong, though. Granted, there were 9 of us.