Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Questions and Answers

I've been asked a couple of questions about the blog, and they deserve answers.

First, a comment from a reader that they enjoy my stuff which apparently is "often oddball, diverse, and interesting to read, especially knowing the writer from his work for a local radio news operation." I think that works out to a compliment. Thanks.

But the comment goes on to lament that I don't post often enough and ask why not.

Fair enough.

It takes some work to post coherent, sensible stuff. As "oddball" as my subject matter may be sometimes, it still requires me to put some thought and even research into anything I offer. I don't always have time or personal drive to do so--I'm basically a pretty mellow guy and don't feel the urge to write all the time.

OTOH too often I'm just lazy and just don't "do it". I'll try to do better.

Second question: "Why don't you take on all the cr@p that happens in this city? Would love to see your critical skills aimed at some of the subjects other blogs cover."

Well, that's the thing, isn't it? (To quote Indiana Jones :)

First off, other blogs cover it and much better than I generally could.

Second, I do have to maintain a certain level of nonpartisanship. I may disagree with the finance committee of the city council on the QCVB thing but there's no surer way to get myself in trouble with them and at work than by going off on them on my blog.

I do comment briefly from time to time on different subjects, and I do post the occasional rant on stuff that really sets me off--but I have to show a certain level of good sense in choosing those subjects.

Third, some of the things my fellow bloggers rail about just get repetitious and just aren't the big deals they work hard to convince the rest of the world constitute a grave danger to the city, county, state, etc. In other words, a good percentage of the bitching is being done about things that just aren't as bad as the complainer says they are.

Overall, Quincy is a good place to live, with good stuff going on. Are their issues? You betcha. Are they going to send the city sliding off into the Mississippi, with hellfire raining down on us, and everyone fleeing to Marblehead and Ewing to live? No. And they generally don't deserve all the bandwidth they get from my fellow bloggers either.

If I comment on some of those subjects, you can be assured I think they need work.

And I'm also striving to remain cognizant of this from the imestimable Edward R. Murrow.

""Just because your voice reaches halfway around the world doesn't mean you are wiser than when it reached only to the end of the bar."

A good piece of advice for all of us blogging, or striving to be reporters and journalists.

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