Monday, May 05, 2008

Monday, Monday

Back into the work zone for most of us, it being a Monday.

There are a couple of things on the plate today: two city council meetings (one at 2 p.m. and one at the regular 7:30 time). The two big issues will both be tonight, though: raises for elected officials and the creation of Friday night bus service.

Keep an eye on and listen to WTAD for all the details of how those meetings turn out.

Speaking of QuincyNews and WTAD, Bob Gough's broadcast version of his website premieres tonight at 6:30 on WTAD AM 930. Give it a listen.

No deep, wise, philosophical thought this morning. Why would I start now? :)

Also this week the Muddy River Opera Company begins gearing up for full rehearsals of "L'elisir d'amore" (that's "The Elixir of Love" for you non-Italian speakers). Two full bore chorus rehearsals, then next Monday nightly gigs until performances at the end of the month. Keeps me out of trouble, that's for sure. Unfortunately I failed in my intention of going into nightly rehearsals with the music all memorized. Maybe next year.

Saw Rodney Hart on Friday. He came into Busy Bistro while the family was having the annual bitrhday bash for my nephew (now 11) and my sister (his mom, older than me). Rodney and friends were there to enjoy the band, I assume. I love that the Bistro has live music every Friday. This group (whose name I didn't catch) was pretty good. They did NOT suffer from the lack of a rhythm section--apparently their drummer was out sick.

Finally if you're swinging down Hampshire between 6th and 7th, take a gander at the new sign at St. Raphael Orthodox Church. Nice, understated, but very visible. Come visit sometime.

Time to hit the showers!

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