Friday, April 18, 2008

Did the earth move for you too?

Nothing like being awakened at 4:30 in the a.m. with a usually-mellow cat acting mental and the impression that someone is pounding on your apartment door.

I can't say I actually felt the earthquake, but it did sound for all the world like someone (Tookie maybe :) was trying like heck to roust me out of bed.

When I walked into work, everyone was standing around chattering. It seems that while I was driving in from putting gas in the car, we'd had an aftershock. Why do I miss all the fun?

Congrats to Roberto Stellino, owner of Tiramisu in Quincy. He's become a citizen of the United States today. Also to the four other Quincyans who are taking that big step with him today.

Now THAT'S an earth-shaking experience we should all think about--especially if we're natural born--and give thanks that, even with all its warts, this is still one of the best places in the world to live.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That shaking was nothing more than a part of the process of the earth slowly drying up.