Friday, June 27, 2008

Could things get more depressing?

Oh, there's a lot going on that is positive. The struggle to hold the levees is amazing and all those guys and gals deserve far more than a nod of thanks.

But the Busy Bistro is closing.

This delightful restaurant that had great food unlike anything else in Quincy, and prices that while a bit high weren't any worse than a couple of other "upscale" places in town.

And now it's closing.

After all the work the owners did in restoring the building and making efforts to refurbish the upper floors.

And now it's closing.

Great music almost every Friday night. A place for talented Quincy musicians who like soft rock and jazz and even some classical to perform.

And now it's closing.

My heart goes out to Nathaniel and Kerry and Rob and Terry and Michael and Nadine and everyone who poured their heart and soul into the business.

I understand there were internal factors (I REALLY hate to see you two leaving, M and N) but let's face it: downtown is in trouble, Quincyans on the whole don't give a flying, and we're all going to end up with exactly what we deserve.

If you don't know what that is, I invite you to take a stroll down east Broadway. Oh, you can't, there are no firk-ding-blasting sidewalks! Well drive then, and survey the rows upon rows of clones, mercantile and gustatorial. Isn't it all lovely? Places where you can get cheap meals, cheap goods, and a nice cheap life. And I mean cheap in the least pleasant form of the word.

OK, I'll be fair. There are places out there I like to eat. There are places out there I like to shop.

But why can't we have both? Why can't we have a vibrant downtown with all it's little gems, as well as an energetic outer district to supply larger needs?


On days like this I almost wish...well, let's just say Quincy just got a little more drab, boring, complacent, and insular, and we all lose.


Anonymous said...

We had it but Karol E left, because some people(Alley & Co) don't like every little thing, and think they know it all. She will be closed soon also. BB was awesome, best of luck to all of them

Anonymous said...

But why can't we have both? Why can't we have a vibrant downtown with all it's little gems, as well as an energetic outer district to supply larger needs?

The answer is obvious, but local leaders and media refuse to address it. Instead choosing to stick their heads in the sand and compliment each other on what an outstanding job they've done.

Anonymous said...

perhaps BB closed because of lousy service. I gave them three chances to be was, service wasn't...all three times. A handful of people in this restaurant, and it takes 15 minutes to get even a "hello"? And their Chef got a great offer at Spring Lake, so that sealed the deal. Take a lesson from Roberto at Tiramasu, who REALLY works his place. Average Italian, but at least he knows you're there.

Rocky Cola said...

Average italian?

Rocky Cola is no average italian....

Anonymous said...

It amazes me that hundreds of area people are now without jobs because of recent closings (Methode, Prairie Farms) and all anyone can discuss is the Busy Bistro closing. Trust me, the average person could never afford to eat there. I doubt that it (the closing) will have much of an impact on the area, except to those who can afford to spend a fortune for dinner on a Friday night. Me? I'd rather have Methode and Prairie Farms back in action and eat at Hardee's for my night out. We need to address the real problem, and that is lack of jobs that can support a family while enjoying some of the finer things. This town will never have a "vibrant downtown with all it's little gems" until the larger issue is addressed.

pravoslavniye said...

The notion that Busy Bistro was prohibitively expensive is a crock. I took more than one date there and walked away having spent less than 35 bucks for the both of us, including an entree, drinks, and dessert. Granted it wasn't filet mignon, but it was a great meal at a very reasonable price.

As for the other issue...why is it a zero-sum game? There is no reason in the world we can't address both at the same time.

Quality of life influences choice to locate here...which influences quality of life....which influences the choice to locate here...and so on, ad infinitum.

In any event, there is NOTHING we could do to keep Methode and PF from leaving. What we can do is keep working to bring in new industry, keep improving our area, and quit thinking the world has come to an end because a company--or a restaurant--closes.

Which isn't to say we can't mourn the loss of the company or the restaurant.

TOOKIE said...

You went on a date ?


I do agree that head of house hold jobs and the downtown go hand in hand . Once we admit we have a serious problem , then we can address it .

As of right now our media plays pom pom girl to the economic status of our area .

Anonymous said...

First a little background on me - lifelong Quincy resident, single mother struggling to put milk in the fridge, work full time while trying to scrape together enough change to buy tickets for my family for the Gems game (yes, it's only $4 for me to get in - I had to pay in quarters).

I am not whining, I am very thankful for the roof over my head, the food on my table, etc. but I guess it depends on your perspective if something is "prohibitively expensive" or not. It just amazes me, as I said, that so many are so upset about this one little place closing than about major industries leaving the area. I personally feel that we have a wonderful quality of life here, which is why I have chosen to stay instead of leaving for greener, and better paying, pastures.

And you summed up my point - quit thinking the world is coming to an end because this restaurant closed. Lets figure out what we can do to enhance the quality of life in the area while attracting opportunities that can help pay for them.

TOOKIE said...

Walgreens has cheap milk , just an FYI ? About $2.25 cheaper than the stores .

I really think a ton of N.B. and the city will miss the Bistro . But the City will also have an eye sore at 18th and broadway now .

We will all miss the hundreds of folks 20 mins to the north using income to spend here .

Please someone explain why GREDF has time to pay for an Arts Faire when our economy is taking a nose dive ?

Anonymous said...

Now I know why the Walgreen's parking lot is always such chaos! IT'S THE MILK!!!

Thanks for the tip :)

Anonymous said...

WJTCF!!!!!!! Those were the letters I needed to type in order to post this comment! Take the J and the C out, what's that leave??? My sentiments concerning all the crap on the east end of Quincy, but Macomb is doing the exactsame thing...Thank God for Sullivan Taylor and some other places I frequent, I wish there were some other places down on the square to get personal items. I guess there's the drug store for meds. I feel your payne!