Tuesday, April 01, 2008

School announcements

We are told that there will be two sets of school announcements this week from Quincy District 172.

On Wednesday expect to hear the fate of Irving School (i.e. how the district plans to use it now that it won't be a school), as well as the new school boundaries.

We have not received any kind of notice of a press conference on this, so I suspect thay will just send out a press release to the media.

Then on Friday they will hold a special School Board meeting at 6:30 a.m. That will begin with a closed session--which is where they talk about terminations (and other privacy-issue related items). We've been told to expect to hear who and how many will be laid off during that meeting, once it goes open session again.

I don't want to comment more on the situation since I will likely have to attend and report on the meeting.

Just keep everyone in your thoughts and prayers--these are tough things to have to go through for students, families, teachers and other staff.


Allthenewsthatfits said...

My hope would be that the district would turn it into its administrative offices and sell the house at 1444 Maine. Somebody could turn that house back into a nice residence, I think.

pravoslavniye said...

Nope, they are moving the alternative stuff and the regional safe schools program from the building at 14th & Maine to Irving.

Re-converting the mansion would be prohibitively expensive, I think, plus what would you do with the "tower" (the addition to the west of the main house).

Nathaniel Brooks said...

The issue of 1444 Maine is interesting - someone else could probably take better care of the building than the school district does.
Even though we have a struggling population, I hope the school board doesn't get any terrible ideas like consolidating all the elementary schools...

Anonymous said...

did you know that you can actually sing that poem for the sufferers in Alaska to the tune of the song that says
"God ofWonders Beyond all majesty...you are Holy"?
Makes for aan interesting song there.