Thursday, March 27, 2008

How the Pilgrim has wasted his morning

It's not been a total waste, of course. I took my walk, I mopped the kitchen and bathroom, and I marked the cuts in the opera score for Muddy River Opera Company rehearsal tonight.

But after that...

It's Microsoft Train Simulator, using a route that follows the old Chicago Great Western Railroad from Chicago out to Oelwein, Iowa.

I rather went over the speed limit.

Oh yeah, I spent some time this afternoon updating the blog, changing the template, and making a simple header graphic...time wasted or not? You decide. :)


Allthenewsthatfits said...

I like the new look. Very sharp.

pravoslavniye said...

Thanks. Wish I could figure how to center the logo, and the Quincy pic is messed up.

But I'll fiddle with it and get it perfect eventually. :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, this looks very professional and such more more you. It is a lot easier on the yes and easier to read too. Great job, bro!