Saturday, September 02, 2006

Pilgrim's Ramble #1

I was posting a response to a friend who has popped in to check out my blog when I realized that it was growing lengthy, and in fact was good fodder for a Pilgrim's Ramble.

What's a Pilgrim's Ramble?

Opinion and musings on sundry things in the sense of putting together pieces to form coherent, defensible, and intelligent positions. Not really "rambling" at all, but since I've gone with the "pilgrimage", i.e. travel, notion, "ramble" works.

This one, the first, is about being open to exercising your mind, as well as your body.

I've been reading Joe Irvin's blog for some time. Joe always finds interesting articles to post--articles that force me to stop and think and examine my own positions and (let's be honest) pre-conceptions.

I can say without hesitation that there are a number of subjects that Joe and I wouldn't agree on. But I can also say that if he and I sit down to talk about them, it won't be the knockdown, drag-out example of vitriol into which so many internet discussions (flamewars!) seem to devolve these days.

Joe's posts challenge me. They challenge me to get my thoughts and reasoning in order. They challenge me to grow, and that's a very good thing.

It's all too easy to slip into our caves and surround ourselves with nothing but the thoughts, philosophies, and dogmas that make us comfortable and happy and content. It's even possible to grow a little as you expand your knowledge in that atmosphere. But where's the impetus to really accomplish anything? How much temptation is there just to sit and vegetate, foolishly convinced that we have arrived at the place of all answers and all knowledge and we don't need to work at it anymore?

A lot, believe me. With all the reports of physical obesity in the U.S. (and I'm one of 'em, albeit 70+ pounds less than last August, thanks be to God, smarter eating, and more exercise :), we need to not neglect mental obesity.

At Joe's site, even if I don't always agree with the articles posted, I am exercising my mind by receiving--and then pondering rationally--new views and insights. That's good for me even, and maybe especially, when they are not ones I hold myself.

How often we forget that humans grow best when we get adequate exercise--whether physical or mental!

Of course that presents its own problems, such as learning how to control your temper, and how to engage in civil discourse and debate.

I suppose the point is this: there's a time and place for sitting deep in your comfort zone and assimilating more information and thought from those who agree with you. There is also a time and a place to "get into the red zone", struggle with views that challenge your own so you can better understand and defend your own positions--or modify them, if necessary.

Thanks, Joe, and all those who keep me exercised. :)

I think next Ramble we may talk about self-control and dispassion. Good, meaty Orthodox subjects!


Rocky Cola said...
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pravoslavniye said...
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pravoslavniye said...
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Rocky Cola said...
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pravoslavniye said...
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Rocky Cola said...

I must delete my posts to destroy all evidence.
It will come to you. Until then, I may drop in the station from time to time!

pravoslavniye said...

No great conspiracy here.

A private conversation between ROcky and myself needed to be attached to some other post, not this one.

That's all.

(See, I said I'd explain when postings were deleted!)

Rocky Cola said...

I tried to return your e-mail but it rejected !!

Nice job Sherlock. You got it.
Next thing you know, you will figure out that "grassy knoll" theory too...

Your right I am way too lazy for the early morning.